About Us:

Established in 2023, founders Angela Becton, Jackie Jimerson, Franchesca Jones

Timeline of Events and Accomplishments:


Motion made by Seneca Nation Tribal Council to accept the documents submitted by Angela Becton with the attached petitions to the official record and adopt paragraph 5..... (see below). 

The written submission and petition of signatures is available to the public and located as an official record at the Seneca Nation Clerks Office. 

  "Let's develop a strategy to ensure that 100% of services are being met and that our Seneca people are secure in their healthcare choices. Let's implement carefully thought-out strategies striking the right balance between our healthcare system and our Seneca people. Let's bring together with one mind, to agree on one thing, that our Seneca people deserve top quality healthcare by top quality healthcare professionals and staff."


9/10/2023: First Monthly Grief Support Group met at Versailles Community Hall. 

5/13/2024: Began Meeting at the Four Corners United Methodist Church, Irving. 

9/09/2024: 1 Year Anniversary of the Grief Support Group

11/11/2024: Grief Support Group 2nd Location started in Salamanca, NY 

2/1/2025: New Name revealed- An Everlasting Brave Journey: Grief Support


Behind every service we provide are dedicated individuals bringing their unique expertise, enthiusiasm, and passion to the organization.  Each of us helping one another navigate one of the most difficult experiences in life-losing a loved one to death; or going through a significant change in our lives of our people, places, or things. 

Bringing H.O.P.E.: Healing through oneness with self and faith and preparing for the next 7 generations by empowering others. 

Healing, Oneness, Preparing, Empowerment